
Monday, February 11, 2013

Score!- 100lbs of Meat!

When meat runs at .99lb (or less!) it's time try to stock up!

Split chicken breasts were on sale for .99lb and so was loin end pork roast.
I normally don't buy a lot of pork but at .99lb, I couldn't pass it up.

Ground beef was at 1.99lb; a little more than I prefer to pay but better than other stores have it priced right now, and I was getting quite low in my freezers. Ground beef can stretch far, fix up really quick, thaw pretty fast, and so it's really a blessing to have on hand.

So- how much did I buy?

40 lbs chicken @.99lb= $40
30lbs pork end loin @ .99lb= $30
30lbs of ground beef @ 1.99lb= $60
100lbs of meat for $130!

Not bad!
one big box of pork loin

one big box of ground beef and one big box of chicken

When I got it home, I browned over 1/2 of the ground beef and boiled up almost all of the chicken,shredded it, and made broth.
I divided up some of the beef for meatloaves, meat balls, etc, then divided up the cooked meat, bagged, and dated.
It was a lot of work when I got home (cooking, dividing, repackaging), but no more grocery shopping for a month -except for milk and eggs (in about 2 weeks)!
Praise the Lord!

Prov 31:14  She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.


  1. Wonderful! I know how much work it is to brown, boil and separate all the meat, but what a quick dinner it makes. Great prices!

  2. That's awesome Donna! I love getting good deals and putting lots of meals into the freezer :) Now you can put up your feet and read some more books!

  3. Awesome deals!! So happy for you! Hope you all are feeling better!

  4. Thanks Mary Jo!
    It is worth the work- the bulk shopping and cooking :)

    Ah yes, on to the books! ;-)
    You knew exactly why I did all that prep work didn't you!

    Yes, thank you! Thank the Lord for elderberries! :)

  5. I love seeing those big boxes of meat! I hope I'm able to do that very soon too. I'm not sure what to do with the pork loin though.

    -Danielle B

  6. Danielle,
    It's amazing how picturesque cardboard boxes become when they're full of food ;-)

    Brandy, The Prudent Homemaker, has a wonderful recipe for the loin. She uses boneless for it, but this works too. I usually cook 2 at a time, shred the leftover meat and use it in hash, pork tacos, soup, and even stir-fry.

  7. Do you have a lb/person/mth stat? Wondering if you have a normal meat consumption vs others? Just wondering...will give a better compare if I can know...and yes those are good prices.


  8. Amy, sorry, no I don't- but- this will last for about 3 months picking up other scamp sales along the way.

    This is a bigger sale price and slightly rare, so this will be out main meat consumption during those 3 months but I will pick up other things if they run on sale. ...Thank the Lord for extra freezers!

    We have 5 kids as big as me at home right now :)
