
Monday, August 19, 2013

USN, I give you......another son- another sailor...

Shakespeare certainly had it right when he said; "Parting is such sweet sorrow!"

There's sweetness in knowing your child is now going off to pursue dreams, education, and an income for himself.........but oh the sorrow of knowing this part of life is over and it will never be the same!

I have loved raising this child and often marveled at God for entrusting me with such a treasure.
Krestan has never caused me any major problem and has always had a heart that was quick to break and turn from wrongs. May God never ever let that leave him.

And now, I give him to the United States Navy. But I know he is ultimately God's and though they may put him in the air or on the sea far away from me, I know by faith, the Spirit of our God is able to go where I cannot.

Why the Navy?
I can think of no higher calling, outside of the ministry, than that a man would be willing to lay down his life for his friends, and this in fact, is Krestan's heart. He is willing to give all for our freedom, if called to do so, and to serve his serve you, his fellow countrymen and women. I am so proud and excited for him, even though I fully realize that the specific job that he's chosen may lead him on incredible paths. Krestan is wild at heart, and who knows what God will do with that!

Psa 139:8-13  If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.  Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
Krestan had the gracious (and super awesome) opportunity to help set up fireworks for both Gordonsville and Putnam Co fairs.....and was rewarded for his service with a BANG! ...The man he helped invited us over to show us the wonderful art of explosives and blew up a tree. It was amazing! TV does NOT do this art justice!
(Yes- he did help set off those in the picture! How cool is that!)
Our church gave him a surprise going-away-party.
Loved the cake! - and our church! They've been so good to him! Our pastor even took him out to eat one day for lunch.
Through some pawning of some old things and an opportunity to earn a little extra we were able to spend a few wonderful days here.... Forever here, would have been too short for me ;-)
We had lots of fun and laughs!
They learned to play marbles. I figured that might come in handy in the Navy! Can't you see them playing that on a ship!

Two days before he left, his family came up and took him out to eat. The day before he left, a very kind lady at our church took us out to Chinese and then I bought them ice cream after church that night. 

He decided to go in with a mohawk. (I know our friends and family will not be surprised.) He knows they'll take that last bit of hair as soon as he gets there ;-)      The preacher said; "..that it's all going anyway and Krestan just decided how that would happen." .... He spent his last night home participating in his favorite youthful pastime - -gaming.             They laughed, squealed, and hooted for hours. It was so funny that Kayanna sent a video of them to her oldest brother and sister-in-law.
On our way out the door to the recruiter's.
The last pic he let me take with MY camera, getting out at the recruiter's. I SO wanted to get him saluting and asking permission to 'come aboard' for the final time at our local office. But- it's his day........and I tried not to embarrass him ;-)
And since I couldn't get to my camera (ha!ha! Krestan!) I insisted that Kemmie take one of him driving off with the recruiter to boot camp.
And...he's gone....sniff, sniff. And I kept all the tears in, until he drove off and I was in the car, and somehow a few squeezed their way out of my supposedly unrelenting eyes.:)

2 Th 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
Jude 1:24-25  Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen.


  1. Oh wow Donna...You are an amazing momma!! I will be praying for you and Krestan too...I am always so encouraged by you and your faith in God and His ways!! Love you!


  2. Brandie- sometimes we just have to trust Him 'til it hurts :)

    And I know that He loves Krestan even more than I can in this human flesh.........I know He is faithful...... I know He is able to use the Navy to shape Krestan into the man He wants him to be.

    I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name!

    Love you- I'm SO grateful for your prayers!

  3. Wish your son the best in this new stage of his life!!!
