
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweet Potato Rice-

This post is more than a recipe- it's an idea for the Super Sneaky Mom's Club!
Now- for the most part- I don't have to be sneaky anymore, but I know some of you still do so perhaps this might be a way to assist you in continuing your SSMC membership!

Tip: Use this idea to smuggle in all sorts of veggies, changing the spices and flavorings, to make them sweet or savory. You can work the dishes in as sides, desserts, or even the main- if you want to toss in some beans or meat. ...Use apples or other fruit and make it a dessert and leftovers for breakfast!
On a frugal note, this is a great way to stretch veggies and meat!

Sweet Potato Rice
- 1 cup long grain white rice
-2 1/4 cups water
pinch of salt
4 T butter
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
dash of cloves
sweeten to taste with honey, molasses, and/or brown sugar

Bring water and salt to a boil, add rice and diced sweet potatoes. Cover and reduce heat.
Cook 15 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and cook 5 minutes.

Served here with saucy venison and bean burritos.

Tip: You can use brown rice, but cook the rice alone for 30 minutes before adding sweet potatoes.

Psa 119:103  How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!


  1. This looks really good! I will be trying it! I hope you all are well!

  2. Thank you Joy! Hope your kids love it so much that they TOTALLY forget that they're eating a veggie ;-)

    We are much better- hope you all are good!

  3. This looks good. I am new to enjoying sweet potatoes (disliked them for years) so I am still introducing them "mixed" into my diet. THANK YOU!

  4. Yah for you Moxy!
    One of my favorite things to do is take the kids through the produce department and have them pick out something 'really weird' that we haven't tried before...or better still...some of our farmer friends gift us things :)
