
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Homemade Fire Starters

Well, it's almost time to cover the stove pipes and enjoy the warmth of summer, but it's not too early to be planning for next winter's fires!
Note to self: Must cover stove pipe before another bird get's down it!

I have already started to collect some items, otherwise known as 'garbage', to use for next year's fires in the wood stove.

I used them a lot in late winter and early spring and found them to work better (for me) and they are made from items that are basically free!
(Those starter logs and sticks are expensive!)
The garbage you need?
Toilet paper rolls and lint from the dryer.
What you need to buy on the cheap?
Petroleum jelly
(But a little goes a long way!)

It only takes a teaspoon or two of the p.j. and you spread it thinly inside the rolls.

Then lightly stuff with lint, no need to pack.
If you like, you can wrap the lint in one square of tissue paper and leave it sticking out a little to use as a wick, but it's not necessary.
One little boy here likes to go out in his socks- can you tell from the straw?
There you have it- fire starters on the frugal!

Psa 104:4-5  Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire: Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.


  1. I wrap them pretty and give them as gifts to people!

  2. You can add a pinecone it helps as well.

  3. You can use just a pine cone, I've read....I just don't have easy access to them...but sure wish I did!!!

  4. What a great idea! I'm totally going to try this! Do you mind if I link this idea to my blog at some point?

    I think it's such a great and simple idea.

  5. Please do Miss Frugal!
    I think you'll find it works wonderfully, even for camp fires :)
    Thank you!!!


  6. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward to your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!
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  7. Brisbane! Brisbane!
    To break or smash
    Oh no more!
    Know ye not
    He gives beauty for ashes
    And oh so much more?

    Dastardly deeds of darkness shined
    May they glow no more!
    Snuff out! Snuff out! We cry, and
    Permanently close the door!

    May every dark thing
    Flourish in Light!
    He has taken the sting
    May He take the bite!

  8. It was hard to comprehend
    That which made no sense
    But Revelations opened
    The truth was immense!

    Knew you not one boundary
    Knew you not the score
    That would one day be required
    Of all you stole and more?

    The babe broke, the blood ran
    Her bear rumbles
    Her bear stands.

    Why? You ask?
    For the Father’s attendance to the affair
    It can’t be much longer
    But you surely will be there!

    Cover! Cover!
    Control! Control!
    Alas, no longer
    Alas, no more

    Offenses do come
    But woe. But woe.
    He says! -not I.
    For it is the battle cry!

    His will, you refused
    Then broke mine
    Oh my oh my
    You are dark kind!

    Not unlike the enemy
    Who can change his skin
    You gloat in chameleon
    You gloat in your sin.

    Innocent blood
    He will defend
    May you gloat no longer
    May the war begin!

    Oh desperate soul
    Would you be made right?
    Oh desperate soul
    Darkness is now light

    Light is in every corner
    Darkness must now flee
    The Holy One of Israel
    Set the captives free!

    Rain down, rain down
    From Your throne on high
    Avenge that innocent blood
    Let that Presence be nigh!

    God be praised
    God is good
    May His justice prevail
    And things be as they should!
