
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Taco Chicken Mac

This is a quick dish, for some of that shredded chicken in the freezer.
My kids love taco anything, so this works for a quick fix after a day in the garden!

Taco Chicken Mac
4 cups cooked pasta,cooked with one large diced onion
1 1/2 cups cooked beans (pinto, canned chili beans, whatever is on hand, even black beans)
1 small can green chilis
1lb shredded chicken
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup ketchup or tomato sauce
taco seasoning (use one pack or equivalent of homemade or bulk mix)
shredded cheese (opt)

Bring the 1/2 cup water to a simmer and toss in the chicken and taco seasoning. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes and add the ketchup, chilis, cooked pasta, and beans. Heat to a simmer. (Add more liquid if necessary.)
Serve topped with cheese if desired.

Frugal notes:
Chicken was bought on sale at .99lb as split chicken breasts. Cooked in bulk and frozen.
Ketchup and sauce are bought in bulk as well.
Chilis were bought at a discount store.
Pasta was whole grain, bought in the clearance bin in a bulk ziploc bag.
This dish was made for less than $2.

Psa 136:26  O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.


  1. I think I may try to make this and leave put the cheese and pasta so callee can eat. You think it would still be good?
    I'm hunting frugal gluten,dairy, meat free recipes, if you have any in your arsenal I would love them!

  2. I made this last night and EVERYONE liked it. I didn't have chicken, so I used some stew pork that I had. Thanks for a quick, easy dinner.

  3. Donna, I have visited (and enjoyed!) your blog for several months--coming here from Brandy's The Prudent Homemaker. I don't know you, but I am praying you and yours are well as I was used to seeing frequent posts from you, and you have not posted in over 2 months. From here in Ontario, Canada, I am hoping to "see" you soon and praying it is just the garden/outdoor goodness that has kept you from your online spot...Heidi

  4. I've never heard, nor tried, Taco Chicken Mac, but by the looks of the photos, this dish looks SCRUMPTIOUS!!

    I will definitley have to try this and I'm always looking for new meals!

  5. Hey Donna,
    This is Val H. I gifted you with Kefir grains some time ago. I miss your blogging. I hope everything is ok. Praying for ya. You can email me at:

  6. Thanks for the information and links you shared this is so should be a useful and quite informative!
    keeping chickens

  7. I recently found out about air fryers and I love how great the chicken tastes once it comes out and you shred it for recipes like this one. Jeff

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  10. Nothing to see here
    But what is that I hear?

    War drums off in the distance
    Horses hooves on the ground?

    The sounds and whisps of angels’ wings?
    A roar coming in the clouds?

    Not unlike Daniel, we wait when they are delayed because of the evil Prince of Persia!
    But Michael did come! His Master is Greater than all.

    May that Holy Battle Ax drop and the sound of justice be heard in its finality!

    May peace like a river attendeth my way!

    The ground shakes of reckoning.
    We will sorrow no more.

    Wrong will be made right.
    Evil; gone.

    Fear? I know it no more
    Evidence it is nigh.

    Yes! It is dawning!
    I do see the Sun of Righteousness and It is bright!

    In righteousness; He will execute justice!

    It is all out
    It is time.

    He surely is about to move!

    Yes! The drums are getting louder!

    Does He not show us in advance?!

    Watch He says! Watch.

    Life’s evening sun
    Is sinking low
    A few more days
    And I must go.

    To meet the deeds
    That WE have done
    Where there will be
    No setting sun!

    It is heavy.
    But the weight is not mine.

    Louder are the drums, still.

    1. Please explain this post. Is this Larry Petree?
