
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter- Keeping Holidays, Holy Days

Here are a few frugal ways of remembering Christ and Passover at Easter. 
I will be sharing some from the book:Let's Make a Memory
Unleavened bread doesn't have to be fancy. You can buy inexpensive matzoh or use something like this recipe for Chapatis.
This bread reminds us that the Israelites did not have time to wait on yeasted bread. They had  to go when God said it was time. For we Christians, this is a reminder for us to be ''ready to go'' when Jesus returns.
Yeast also sometimes represented evil in the world and God wants His people to be pure.
Coloring eggs can be done with 1/2 a cup of water, 1 T vinegar, and a few drops of food coloring. The children wrote various things with a white crayon before dying them like:
Jesus Died 4 U
God is Love
Jesus Loves You
Annus Deus (which should have been Agnus Dei :)
Jesus Saves
and even drew some pictures.
The funniest egg was one that I had dropped in the sink which had cracked. Kellan wrote on it: "The Ten Commandments after Moses." Funny, huh?
A roasted egg is a symbol of the free-will offering that was given with the lamb. This represents giving more to God than just what is required. It is a gift of love.
Jesus was God's most precious and ultimate Gift!
"God's law demanded only justice, but with the gift of Jesus, God gave us more than justice; He gave us mercy, love, and forgiveness."
We've read in some of our books about the holocaust how Jews incorporate Elijah into their Passover Seder.
This is "Elijah's Cup". Traditionally it is placed in the center of the table and it remains full; waiting for Elijah to announce the Messiah. 
Christians believe that John the Baptist was our "Elijah". (Matthew 11:14)
For it was he who announced the coming of the Messiah!
For Christians, we share this cup with joy, passing it around the table, celebrating our hope in Him.
This cup and the above unleavened bread can be used as a ''communion'' for your family as well, as we drink and eat in remembrance of His blood that was shed for us and His body that was broken for us as well. (Matthew 26:26-28)
Don't have juice? Use Kool-Aid, colored water, etc. Anything that is unique will work.
This part is called "maror". 
You want something bitter or strong tasting. I used onions here but had planned on dandelion greens but they aren't up yet. 
These bitter 'herbs' remind us of the bitter suffering of the Israelites under Egyptian slavery.
As Christians, this reminds us of the bitter suffering that many have (and continue) to suffer so that we (and others) can know the good news of Jesus. 
This is called Haroseth. It is a mixture of chopped apples, nuts, and cinnamon. Traditionally it would have wine but I used a sprinkling of lemon juice. (I used tart apples too, so I will likely drizzle a little honey over before serving...after all, the kiddies have been eating candy all day and this would be a shocker to their little taste buds!)
This represents the mortar with which the Israelites were forced to make bricks for Pharaoh's cities.
 (Exodus 5)
God gave them their freedom and through Christ, we are free.
Rom 6:22  But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
We also take the time to read through the entire Resurrection story in the Gospels.

Happy Resurrection Day!

1 comment:

  1. Arden's comment:
    Great ideas. I bought my dye this year but I stocked up on food coloring at Aldi. Don't know why it didn't occur to me to use that.
    I had a ton of cracked eggs. My 4 yo has finally discovered that if he drags a stool to the kitchen, I can't say no to his "help".

    Sorry Arden-
    Looks like Blogger ate your comment but it did have the decency to kick me an email :)
    Our cracked eggs turned into an egg race (they rolled them down the hill at top speed until the shells flew off!). ...Ah, I miss 4 yo's who WANT to help in the kitchen! ;-)
