
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekly Goals-

I'd rather shoot for the moon and miss, than never take aim!
So here's my goals for this week :)

-Mow bean patches and turn over with the tiller. (Got them mowed and half are turned!)
-Cook up the rest of the apples and can, dry, or freeze. (Half are done!)
-Make Cherry Jam and Lavender Jelly. (Strawberry, Raspberry, Black Cherry, Apple Peel, and Grape are done!)
-Fertilize the berry bushes.
-Work on bug-catching-project.
-Finish school lists. (95% done)
-Trace out next embroidery project and finish the last.
-Finish sorting hand-me-downs and clean and organize the rest of my room.
-Read several chapters of Outcast out loud.
-Begin Latin review.
-Review times tables with Kyler.
-Refill outer rain barrels.
-Put together Bible study materials.
-Organize Scripture Memory for school work.
-Bake several loaves of bread for a fund raiser. (Done!)
-Must do some freezer cooking!- Chicken, broth, etc.
-Write letters to Krestan in boot camp.

Be sure to share your goals with MoneySavingMom!


  1. So I need a good grape jelly recipe. I want to make some homemade because it is so much better. I don't grow grapes - so what kind should I use?

  2. Gretchen,
    When I need grape jelly and don't have grapes- I go for cheap and easy- and that is a frozen concentrate from our Aldi, right at $1. Reconstitute and make according to pectin directions, just as you would pressed grape juice.

    Just make sure to boil (the 2nd time) until it passes the spoon test. (Coats and drips slow.)

    Happy jelling! :)
