Friday, September 12, 2008

I cooked an apple pie today....

DH was tickled to find this sweet treat in my kitchen tonight!
So were the kids, but of course they wanted theirs 'a la mode'. The neat part about this pie is it was made with apples from the orchard - without a trip to the orchard!
Yes you read that right!
You see, I took the time to ask our local grocery store (you know, the kind that has an older man's name, not the chain stores;-)..if he could sell me a box of apples. He said 'why sure' and he charged me what the orchard charges and I didn't have to pay for half a tank of gas to drive all the way out to the orchard! Yippee!
But I did miss the beauty of the orchard, but there's still time and I did save that $$ on gas!

That's my Frugal Friday tip!
Check with your local grocery for orchard size deals! :-)
Go HERE for more Frugal Friday!


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Love apple pie! Thanks for sharing!! :D

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those hometown grocery stores... and what a good reminder that it never hurts to ask!