Thursday, June 18, 2009


The original recipe did not call for the nuts and to keep it more frugal, I have made it that way when I didn't have nuts, couldn't spare them, or just needed something frugal, quick, and sweet!
The addition of nuts in this recipe gives it a similar appearance to a pecan pie.
The molasses is very prominent in this recipe, so if you are a lover of molasses and/or cane sugar...this pie is for you!
5 ingredients +nuts+one pie shell =one sweet treat!
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup molasses
2 T flour (s.r.)
1/2 cup melted butter
*opt 1 to 1 1/2 cups walnuts or pecans, etc
Pour into 9-inch pie shell and bake until set.
(approx 35 minutes)
-a quick, easy, frugal pie made from basic staples-

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