Bet you never thought you'd hear those three words together! Me either- but that's what I've been playing in today...what fun!
Creme Fraiche, Greek Yogurt, and Buttermilk- culture away!
I love Kombucha! ..prolly cuz I like sayin' it more than anything- well, it is a cool word!
These were sooo yummy!
I had 1/2 a dozen duck eggs and my kids asked for a fried duck egg and leftover beans and cornbread for lunch- uh huh,... and you thought kombucha was weird!
I have tried the duck eggs yet..but I do have some buttermilk culturing and it is turning our beautiful! Now to do Yogurt and Cream today!
The eggs are yummy!
Very rich- the chicken eggs are beautiful, dark colored, mmmm yumyy!
For breakfast my kids had, toasted homemade bread, applesauce, a fried egg- and of course milk! ;-)
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