Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bed-wetting.. a tough issue!

I know this is a tough issue for parents and children. I found it to be a very touchy, sensitive issue with children and, at times, a very frustrating one as a parent.

Above are two products that helped us, after all, the biggest monetary concern was the mattress not getting ruined! We also sought after thick underwear and snap-on, lined, undy covers. We were able to find some at various places; once we found some at our local medical supply company for a reasonable rate, and they even had bigger sizes.

The other big concern was how to help the child, especially emotionally, since this is such a delicate and private issue. It's hard isn't it?

Well, first, for me, I had to remember my struggles with it. I was a very hard sleeper growing up and I had a very hard time waking up. I slept like a rock! I tried so hard to stop it, even as a bigger kid, but couldn't seem to figure out how to make myself wake up! One of the last times it happened, I remember dreaming that I had gotten up, walked out my door, down the hall, and to the bathroom, and sure enough, I woke up in a puddle! *blush* ...Alright- I know I'm not the only one! ;-) (Oh come on- don't make me go ask your mommas!;)

But remembering my personal struggle, helped me to have more patience with my own children who had this problem. I did try to protect the bed, and I did try to help them keep it private. I made a rule that no other child could speak about the matter in an embarrassing way nor outside of our home. I limited drinks and sugar before bed, and I tried to wake them up and take them to the bathroom before I went to bed, especially if I knew that they'd had extra drinks.

For two of my kids, getting them up before I went to bed, when they had extra drinks, usually works. For one of my kids, nothing seemed to work until they 'grew out of it'. That was tough, but the bed-pads and other accessories helped preserve the bed and I taught them how to gather and wash their bedding and that helped keep them from feeling so embarrassed- for you see, they didn't even have to tell me, they could just wash their sheets! ;-) (Yeah, double bonus there huh?!)

What about YOU? Anyone else had this trouble? If so, what worked for your children?
And if you want to tell me that I wasn't the only bed-wetter- feel free to join me as I shamelessly try to parent- and blog! :-)


Unknown said...

I had the same experience as yourself. Very hard sleeper with an underdeveloped bladder. Everything was done with me to try to make me stop, from rewarding dry nights to putting diapers on me in front of everyone if I had an accident :(! I was even taken to a dr. who put me on nerve medication (at 6 years old!!!!) Anyway, now my son has the same problem, and like you, I have chosen to use my experience to help him. I know that he's not doing it on purpose, just because he's too lazy to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. He actually isn't very bothered by it yet. Hopefully, we can deter the emotional scarring for good! Thanks for sharing the products. We use a plastic mattress protector. We did use one of the mattress pads but it was too small and he always ended up off of it.

Joy said...

I have the same issue with one of my children. I myself was never a bed wetter..but I sleep very light. My child on the other hand sleeps like a rock and I know it can't be helped. My child is very emotional about it and has a hard time. We just try and by night night pants. My child doesn't want to wear them though that is the problem now, because some nights it doesn't happen. Thanks for sending the links and talking about the problem! It really helps a mom out!

Donna said...

The docs offered me the same route with my son but I kindly said, "no thanks". ;-) I am with you- I know its not a matter of not wanting to get up, because he was terrified of spending the night with others etc....and so was I! I had an accident at a friend's house when I was in upper elementary school and if it had not been for her kindness and graciousness in handling it, I would have been humiliated! But- again- I couldn't help it or of all places- I would not have done that at her house! ..but that one experience makes me thankful now, because it is from that, I learned how to deal with my children. God is good!

Donna said...

You're welcome! Thanks for sharing too!!!

Kim said...

I have had this problem with my now 13 yr. old son. Our doctor suggested we use a bedwetting alarm and it really only took 6 weeks at 8 yrs. to correct the problem. My second, an 8 yr old girl is also struggling with this and we've tried the alarm too. She hates it so we haven't pushed it too much. Now we are rewarding her for 14 days of dryness with a toy. We double make her bed so if she wets, we aren't remaking the bed in the middle of the night. I also bought a shower curtain liner, cut it in half and slip that under the sheet. I also put a towel over it to soak up the urine. She takes care of her bedding if it is wet. I don't think it will be much longer before she is dry. She also suffers from urinary reflux, where urine is flowing back into the kidneys so I wonder if these 2 things aren't related???

Donna said...

I bet they could be related!
Great frugal idea with the shower liner! Wish I'd thought of that!

I've wondered about those alarms, thanks for sharing your success with son. They sound like a good idea, especially for older children who may not want to wear any extra undy clothing. ;-)