Saturday, March 31, 2012

Current Reads at Our House

Several have now read this book and have really enjoyed it. It's written in a similar fashion as Mark Twain's The Complete Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. Boys LOVE them!

My dd loves this set and has read through several this year. These were given to her and she treasures them!
She's currently on  These Happy Golden Years.

One just finished this and another one or two by the same author. Lots of interesting facts we learned from ONE child reading these because every day he would share something new from the book. Love a book that provokes excitement in a child!

The youngest just read this. Love ALL D'aulaire books!
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
Abraham Lincoln (Bicentennial Edition)
Benjamin Franklin
Leif the Lucky

Looking for mythology? This is a really nice read ...but my kids find their gods to be just lunacy. :) But it is easy to understand and has lovely pictures!

We are in the last few pages of reading this aloud. Several of the older kids have read it and sit on the edge of their seats as we go along saying things like; "Oh yeah! Here's where it gets good!" and "You remember .....well, here's where they become important!"     This book gives lots of detail, without being even a tiny bit boring! Love it! (They are hoping I'll read the whole series out loud, but I dunno 'bout that!)
facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque


Joy said...

All such wonderful books!! We are currently reading aloud, Five Children and IT by Edith Nesbit. My children say "one more chapter momma please just one more" every time we read it! :)
Also being read here is, More All of a Kind Family by Sydney Taylor, Indian Captive by Lois Lenski(AWESOME BOOK), William Penn, and North American Indians.
Since, no one here can have candy for Easter, I treated them each to one new book for their baskets. Any other suggestions of frugal gifts for their baskets that doesn't include sweets? Its been a hard couple weeks, but Lord willing we will have it all straightened soon.

Donna said...

Sounds like great books on your current reading too!

If you're trying to make do with what you have; more paper dolls, mini coloring books, any dried fruit you could twist up in wrapping or baggies, homemade bean bags for bean toss games, and any old plastic eggs with pennies or the like in them. Mine love just hiding them.

Got seeds? Put things from around the house in them for them to start their own terrarium.

If you can splurge a little; Dollar Tree! Playing cards, puzzle books, word finds, Easter pencils, kites, new outside toys or balls, could even give just each of them a dollar and take them to the Dollar Tree.

Focus on a Bible Study about Easter.

Cook a turkey or other meal with the fixings and play games for the weekend.

Make 'coupons'- 1 vacation from school day, 1 you get to pick supper today, 1 30 minute reading any of their favorite books, 1 day of indoor 'camping', ...whatever fun things they like that are rare.

Once I did a treasure hunt that lasted for half an hour in the house. One tag led to another, that led to another, etc until the last one and it listed where the 'picnic' could be located and I had it all packed up for them :)