We spent a couple of hours organizing some of our school stuff today. That's a very important job to get done before school starts! Who wants to add more to a mess?!?:-)
These are some of our school books. As you can see we have some 'regular' books and then we have those in the folders that have been printed from the Robinson Curriculum. I was amazed to see how many books had been read last year! WOW!
Robinson is a 3R's curriculum and this is the 'reading'. For Math, we use Saxon books and the children write or do copywork in their notebook. I have been so surprised at how much poetry the kids have been exposed to by doing copywork during their writing. A couple of them have written some of their own! They've learned so much so stress-free!
We only took about 3 weeks off and we are getting back in the swing. We still may take a few more days to garden and maybe go to the lake. I've found that taking a whole summer off allows a lot to be forgotten and makes for some lazy brains, so we usually just work through the summer. The children have come to accept this as our way and they don't mind so much and it allows me extra days throughout the school year if something comes up that we want to do.
It is so exciting to me, watching them all grow and learn! And I'm so thankful for all that they've gotten out of this curriculum, I don't think that I could have asked for more!
Hello, we, (or maybe it's just me) would like to know more about how you homeschool with the Robinson Curriculum and how your children are doing with it. Thanks much.
Here's a good place to start :)
Scroll through those and if you have more questions- by all means ask!
My older children have done VERY well with ASVAB scores, getting into the Navy, with RC. I couldn't be more pleased with our results!
It's a 3R's curriculum which is what carries the most weight on those scores. God knew what He was doing when he supplied the RC for us!
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