Sunday, August 31, 2008

Natural PMS

This is taken from an article that can be viewed on Weston Price.

In addition to foods rich in these nutrients, food supplements supply additional nutrients that may be impossible to obtain with food alone. The following are recommendations only. For a truly personalized supplement program, one should see a properly trained health professional familiar with vitamin/mineral therapy:
Vitamin A:
50,000 IU per day
Vitamin B6*:
100-200 mg per day
Pantothenic acid:
100-200 mg per day
Vitamin E:
400-600 IU per day
1,500 mg per day
800 mg per day
Fatty Acids:
2-4 gms per day
*Note: Vitamin B6 should only be taken along with a B complex supplement.

In studies, vitamin A has proven beneficial in reducing some PMS symptoms. Be sure to use a natural source of this nutrient, such as cod liver oil, as synthetic versions can be toxic. Vitamin B6 is a natural diuretic and thus helps with PMS-related bloating. B6 also aids in reducing estrogen to normal levels. Pantothenic acid is always desirable for treating stress. Vitamin E is good for sore breasts and for regulating hormonal levels. This vitamin is also good for irritability and depression. Calcium and magnesium are pivotal in reducing stress, as well as encouraging proper muscle function. Painful cramping and nervous tension are almost always lessened or eradicated with calcium and magnesium supplementation. Long-chain fatty acids prompt the release of anti-inflammatory substances known as prostaglandins. A particular fatty acid, gamma-linoleic acid or GLA, has been shown to be of special value in resolving PMS and other ailments. It is found in evening primrose oil, borage oil or black currant oil.

Vitamin A:
Cod liver oil, liver, butter, egg yolks.
Vitamin D:
Oily fish, lard, cod liver oil.
Vitamin B6:
Brown rice, liver, beef, whole wheat, rye, lentils, alfalfa, tuna, peas, bananas, cashews, turkey, oats, blackstrap molasses, cabbage.
Pantothenic Acid:
Brewer's yeast, brown rice, sunflower seeds, corn, lentils, whole wheat, rye.
Vitamin E:
Fresh wheat germ, wheat germ oil, whole wheat, raw nuts, olive oil, peanuts, broccoli, pecans.
Raw milk and raw milk cheeses, bone broths, sesame seeds, kelp, sardines, almonds, Brazil nuts, blackstrap molasses, watercress, dark green leafy vegetables, salmon, broccoli.
Kelp, beef, blackstrap molasses, sunflower seeds, all nuts, oats, brown rice, dark green leafy vegetables, corn, bananas, tuna.
Fatty Acids:
Cod liver oil, salmon, sardines, mackerel, egg yolks and borage, black currant or evening primrose oil.

The following herbs may be taken in capsule, tincture or tea form. If using packaged capsules or extracts, follow the directions on the product's label. For teas, steep 1-2 teaspoons of herb in 1 cup of very hot water, covered, for 10 minutes.

If bloating and sore breasts predominate, chamomile and dandelion are both effective diuretics. Diuretic foods include celery, watermelon, asparagus and parsley. To stabilize depression and mood swings, chamomile, lavender, and peppermint are excellent. These herbs, along with red raspberry and kava kava, are good antispasmodics as well, making them excellent for cramps.
If headaches occur, these herbs are also indicated: fennel, sarsaparilla, squaw vine, licorice and wild yam, which are all hormonal balancers. They may help in relieving hormone-caused symptoms but should not be overused.

Pulsatilla is probably the most famous of all PMS remedies. It is indicated for mood swings marked by weepiness. Mag. Phos. should be used for cramping and nervous tension. The cell salt Kali. Phos. is also indicated for frazzled nerves. If there is intense pain marked by anger, homeopathic Chamomilla is the remedy of choice. If the pains become worse after getting angry, this remedy works best. Homeopathic Belladonna is indicated if there are cramping pains made worse by motion. The pains may extend from the uterus to the back accompanied by frequent headaches. Lachesis is the best pick for PMS symptoms that improve dramatically or completely disappear once the menstrual flow starts. With this condition, the pains may extend into the upper abdomen and chest.

For all of these remedies, the 6C-30C potencies should work best. Take them twice a day, or as needed. When using all homeopathics, avoid caffeine, menthol and camphor as these substances act as antidotes to the remedies.

Daily exercise, even 15-20 minutes of brisk walking, increases oxygen consumption. This helps to improve health, as well as to remove toxins from the body. Exercise also helps to keep hormone levels stable.

As we know, PMS can have many different causes. Women who suffer from PMS should investigate the possibility that other conditions, such as endometriosis, candidiasis, food allergies, and heavy metal poisoning may be contributing factors. Candidiasis should be suspected if strong sugar cravings are present. See your natural health care provider for more help with these other causes.

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