Monday, September 15, 2008

"Don't you Carr-ot all for me?"

That's a line in a poem from one of my old cookbooks. Funny, huh?
I though t it appropriate for my post about allllll of these carrots! See how much we care for carrots?!?!?
My guess is 25 pounds worth of care!
These were in the organic section of Kroger tonight as "carrots for juicing"--for $13.49!!!!
I was just way too tempted to pass them up. So, I took a vote with the kids, you know, one of those -you gotta eat 'em if I buy 'em -votes?!!?!!
Well, it was unanimous and in the buggy they went. I told the cashier that the next time she saw us that we would all have a nice orange glow but I don't think she got it.
So anyway, just thought I'd share my carrots and perhaps one of you can glean from asking for 'juicing carrots',lol. Maybe you don't carr-ot all to do that! :-)


Organized Nutrition said...

WOW, what a great find! I had to GROW mine this year...LOL, with lots of weeding and thinning....HA!
I guess I just know I would NEVER hit a deal like that!

Anonymous said...

We grew some too but they are the little short ones and they last about 5 minutes when I bring them in!

Do you have some pics up of your carrots? -would love to see them and know what you grew- I'm hoping to fare better next year:-)