Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adding Bible Verses to their individual lessons....

We've always had 'Bible' as a group, often several times a day!

We've also went through cycles of memorizing verses. (Isn't it amazing to hear
really young children quote the Bible??)

But now, we've started having a weekly set of verses.
I also made new assignment charts- just for this!

Every day, they must write their verses 2 times and by Sunday, they must be able to quote them! (They are memorizing several at a time.)

Psa 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.



Joy said...

Great idea! We have started some scripture memorization as well. I will have to let my oldest write hers. My four year old loves to do this. Thanks for a great tip!
It is amazing to hear younger ones say bible it does the heart good doesn't it!

Donna said...

It does do the heart good!
It's encouraging to hear of others hiding His word in the hearts of their children!

There is a place called Scripture Memory Fellowship that used to be a great/frugal program for memorizing and had rewards.

Anonymous said...

For those of mine who cannot write yet, I repeat the scriptures to them at bedtime, naptime, and at mealtimes. We are also working on getting back into a routine of saying them before family scripture study as well.

Donna said...

That's wonderful!
There's just nothing sweeter than a wee little voice saying Bible verses!