Here's how I made these...
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cup yogurt
-soak overnight
Blend in food processor and add;
2 1/4 t baking powder
1 1/2 t sea salt
1/4 cup ground flax
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
Roll out using unbleached flour and cut into crackers.
Bake in low temp oven (150 to 170) for about 1 or two hours, then transfer, once set, to food dehydrator until dried through and crisp. So tasty! and easy!
(You could dry the crackers in one or the other, this is just the way that I like to do it. But it would work in just the oven.)
These sound really good and healthy! I think I might just have to try them out..first to get some more whole wheat flour though!
I just wanted to let you know I LOVE your blog. I found it through my sister just yesterday and I have been reading quiet a bit. I really do enjoy all the recipes.
I also homeschool and am a sahm!
I think we might even live close!
Thanks for sharing all your recipes and other things as well!
ps do you have the nourishing traditions cookbook?
Thank you Joy and yes, I do have the book and love it! I also have Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig and this recipe is closer to one in that book.
If you don't mind me asking where did you get those books?
I would love to do more with wheat and things I usually by mine from Muddy Pond or the Ponona Minnonite store it is about 30-45 mins from me as well..I really could use some right now..I have never ordered any though. I am really inspired by your recipes to try more wheat things.!
You and I must be close indeed! Muddy Pond is about the same distance from me.
I got the books from BAM but you can get them cheaper (Unless you are a member of BAM and have some special discounts) from Amazon or even ebay!
I haven't heard of Ponoma. Where is it at?
There is a lady in Bangham that has wheat for $50 for you know what you paid last...I'm wondering which route to go to save $ :-)
Joy, my email is laptopmail (at) if you would like to write.
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