Friday, June 5, 2009

Link/Recipe for DH's favorite breakfast bread..

I made 2 loaves of breakfast bread this morning and they turned out so nice and good (in spite of me not paying them much attention ;-) and I wanted to share the recipe, just in case any of you may not have seen it!

It's all wheat flour, pretty quick for a yeast bread, fool-proof instructions (no-offense!:), makes two good-sized loaves, and its perfect when you are in a hurry and can't soak the wheat or allow for a long rising time!

I bake the two loaves (without dough enhancer by the way) and I allow them to cool, then I slice them up, put them in ziploc bags and store them in the fridge! Come breakfast, I pull out what I need for toast- and wallah! Breakfast Bread!

The Recipe is called Marilyn's Famous Whole Wheat Bread!
It is also a great bread for beginners!
(I have noticed that I need to bake it about 5 to 7 minutes longer and I need almost 1 whole extra cup of flour.)

1 comment:

Extraordinary Ordinary Life said...

This is my favorite bread as well. I love it and it turns out awesome everytime. I also use more flour. Thanks for sharing.