Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fruit Salads.....

This salad had: 1 can crushed pineapple, 1 can of drained mandarin oranges, dried cranberries, raisins, and chopped pecans.
This salad had: 1 can drained peaches, 1 can drained apricots, 1 pint of fresh blueberries, and a sprinkle of shredded coconut.

This salad had: 1 can diced pineapple drained, 1 can mandarin oranges drained, 2 sliced bananas, 1 large chopped apples, raisins, and then I sprinkled with coconut after I took the pic! ;-)

Brandy has inspired me when it comes to fruit salads! Remember her post here about living from her pantry/food storage? Well, she makes a very pretty fruit salad and I've been whipping up a few as a means of weeding out some more of that naughty sugar in our diet! :-)

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