Monday, September 28, 2009

Fresh Food!

I am so tickled about my "fall" garden this year. I had many doubts about whether it would work, whether I was planting too late, whether the seeds would sprout, etc. But this week I'm thankful to say that God has been so good to my little garden and made it to produce again!

These beautiful kale greens are growing abundantly in several places in my garden right now! I also have a new batch of squash that is giving me very pretty produce!
I can't believe that I have new squash in September!!!
(You know this was coated in cornmeal and fried in rendered beef fat, right?)
And then to my surprise, I found these treasures on the porch!
(I have some great neighbors! I will juice them some pears and bake them some bread in exchange for their kindness.)
This Gratituesday, I'm thankful to still have fresh food coming in!

God is truly good!


Goat Gal said...

That squash looks gorgeous!

Hallee said...

That's awesome that you have yellow squash! My zucchini is still coming in, but the yellow squash gave up weeks ago.

Unknown said...

Very nice! I would love some yellow squash right now..hopefully it won't frost and your garden will keep growing. It has been cold the last couple of mornings here how about yall?

Donna said...

Yes, this morning was chilly! Brrr!