I have taken my children on 'field trips' to apple orchards several times and they have loved it! But I have to admit, I probably have the most fun!
Not only do I like to talk to the workers and ask questions, but I love to find a good bargain!
You see, if you go at the right time, they will often sell 'drops' to you for several bucks less than normal price. The difference? well, the only one I noticed in the last box that I bought was they had not been through the cleaning belt like the others, and hey! - I can wash a box of apples for (way) less than the difference in price!
May I encourage some of you to be on the lookout come harvest time for bargains at local orchards and even some produce stands as well. If you buy bulk, you can get a far better deal than at the store. If you can find a cool, dark place to store them they will keep for weeks and sometimes months,wrapped in newspaper. (Consider spliting a bushel with another family if you don't have storage.)
I read of a lady who had apples in February from harvest time! I know a lady, who had an old refrigerator that she kept in her basement, that didn't get as cold as a normal fridge but nonetheless was cold, and she wrapped apples in old newspaper and kept apples for months. Amazing!
I have made lots of treats with apples from the orchard. Cooked apples, ready for pies or alongside breakfast, stored in the freezer.
I have made applesauce and with some of that, fruit leather.
I dried some of the apples and my kids loved them and begged for me to dry more.
And once I even made apple butter and apple jelly, what fun!
And homeschoolers, remember, there is much to teach and learn about an orchard!
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