Saturday, March 20, 2010

From Kitchen to the Garden- and back!

A treat my family loves is garlic tops, straight from the garden!
I usually have a couple of bulbs of garlic on hand at all times and a few years ago, I learned that I could separate them up, plant them (with the points up), and up would come beautiful green shoots, sorta like green onions.
Now, you can leave them be and let them grow into bulbs of course, but my family loves to eat the tops! I use them over salads, baked potatoes, on sandwiches, and other foods that you would use sliced green onions on.
My family also loves to munch on them while they are in the garden. They will pick several garlic tops and a romaine leaf and make "sandwiches" while they weed! ;-)
Garlic is so good for you and a cinch to grow!
From the kitchen, to the garden, and back- with rewards!
A great way to multiply your kitchen resources!!
Brandy shared with me how she plants her regular pickling dill seeds for dill and her coriander for cilantro!!
Anyone else have ideas for multiplying your kitchen resources??
For more Kitchen Tip Tuesdays, visit Tammy's Recipes!!


Joy said...

I am wanting to make herb beds this year would LOVE to hear how Brandy recommended you planting. We use LOTS of dill here!

Donna said...

How exciting!
You should write her!
She is always helpful!
She is one sharp cookie, for sure.