Sunday, August 7, 2011

Creamy Cinnamon Pudding

Cinnamon Pudding seems like a winter dessert and there's nothing like heat indexes of over 110, to make you miss winter! 
Wasn't God good to give us seasons!?!

3/4 cup white sugar
5 T cornstarch
pinch salt
3 eggs
4 cups milk
3 T butter
1/2 T cinnamon

Whisk in large sauce pan, the sugar, cornstarch, and pinch of salt.
Whisk in milk and eggs, then cinnamon. Heat mixture to boil, whisking
constantly.Once mixture is boiling, boil one minute. Whisk in butter and
remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate.

*Tip*: Use leftovers for popsicles!

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