Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Coconut Brown Rice Pudding...from leftovers

 2 cups of leftover brown rice
2T butter
cane sugar to taste
about 2 cups milk
1/3 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup coconut
2 eggs

Beat eggs into milk.
Heat well, stirring constantly.
Top with nutmeg if you like.

Yummy for breakfast or a side dish!


Anonymous said...

Yummy ....I love rice pudding. We just had some for breakfast last week and the kiddos were singing my praises. Love the coconut idea.

Dianna said...

Great! I'm always looking for ways to use up leftovers.

Cinnamon said...

Oh that looks soo delicious! We had tapioca pudding last night, yes filled with sugar :-0 But oh so yummy. I'll have to try your recipe. Thanks for visiting my blog~
