Sunday, August 22, 2010


-kids choice
-Chicken tacos, raisins, brownies
- Steak Casserole, green peas, pudding pie
snacks:chips and salsa, sliced apples, pb on crackers

-kids choice
-Main Dish Macaroni, green peas, pudding
-Taco Casserole, chili beans, Applesauce Cake with Carmel-Coconut Topping
snacks: popcorn, apple slices

-leftover Applesauce cake, milk
-Chicken Salad Wraps with lettuce and tomatoes, celery and carrot sticks, Sour Gummy Worms
-Creamy Chicken Spaghetti, fried okra, dried pears
snacks: apple slices, boiled eggs and mustard, grapes

-toasted breakfast bread with cream cheese
-Split Pea Soup, Spelt Rolls*, fried apples
-Frugal Shrimp Stir Fry and brown rice, yogurt-nectar pops
snacks:carrots and dip, popcorn, dried apricots

- (leftover) rice with butter and honey
-Baked parmesan fish, tomato-onion salad, green beans, Spelt Rolls*
-Soft Tacos, tomato salad, pudding
snacks: Cherry Berry Smoothie, juiced apples and carrots, popcorn

-Chicken and noodles, cornbread, cookies
-Monkey Meat on flatbread, cheesecake
snacks:Honey Wheat Muffins, sliced apples, dried apricots

-homemade pancakes from the freezer
-Lemon-pepper salmon, seasoned brown rice, steamed squash,leftover muffins
-BBQ chicken quarters, lima beans, steamed broccoli, leftover muffins
snacks:toasted breakfast bread and honey, sliced apples and dip, dried pears
*I have been making one big batch a week of Spelt Dough and using it for quick rolls throughout the week.
Be sure to visit Menu Plan Monday for more menu planning ideas!


Joy said...

Is your spelt dough kept in the fridge?

Donna said...

Yes- I will try to type it up this week. They have a rather plain and rustic look- BUT- the taste is very good and the texture too; it gets just a little crisp on the bottoms. ..If I go a few days without making them, dh starts his hinting for more ;-)

You can freeze dough too!