Welcome to Menu Plan Monday!
My Frugal Tip of the Week: Plan ahead for doctor's appointments and other outings. Schedule your meal plan in such a way that you can cook extra the night before, make a meal ahead and refrigerate, or make sure you have foods on hand that you can take along.
-grits-leftover Homemade Pizza
-Spaghetti and Meatballs
snacks-Brown and White Muffins
-Fried Eggs and Buttermilk Biscuits
-leftover Spaghetti, limeade
-Breaded Ranch Chicken, salad, pickled okra
snacks-Biscuits and homemade jam, Homemade Tootsie Rolls
-Kefir Smoothies,Rugelach-Ham, Biscuits, fried apples, scrambled eggs
-Beef Stew, Easy Apple Dumpling Rolls
snacks-celery sticks with dip, Orange-Cranberry Whole Wheat Muffins
-Kamut English Muffins, Cherry Jam-Split Pea Soup, Caraway Rye Biscuits
-Lemon Pepper Salmon, romaine salad, cauliflower with mock cheese sauce
snacks-Orange-Almond Apple Crumble,German Chocolate Cake
-Soaked Oatmeal-White Beans, Cornbread, Turnips, Corn
-Ham, Baked Beans from leftover white beans, Creamed Asparagus
snacks-Orange Date Muffins, celery sticks and dip
-Peanut Butter Pancakes-Cream of Sunshine Soup, 3Grain Cookies
-Leftover Ham, Baked Beans, Whole Wheat Rolls
snacks-leftover pancakes rolled with jelly, celery sticks and dip
-Coconut-Pecan Pancakes-Cranberry-Almond Chicken Salad on Pita Bread, pickled okra,
-Homemade Pizza Night
snacks-Homemade Orange Sherbet

Menu looks great as usual! We are having lots of soups here this week as well. We are still under the weather or I should say I am! So its easy meals this week, because I just don't feel like cooking. I hope it passes soon, its too hard for mom to be sick! Hope you all are well!
Thank you Joy!
Sorry to hear you can't get rid of that germie. We're keeping you in our prayers this week!
wow what a detailed and delicious looking menu plan!
Thank you Jessie!
I <3 MPM- it keeps me track!;-)
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