Monday, April 4, 2011


 WELCOME TO MENU PLAN MONDAY! Homemade Chocolate Covered Cream Filled Donuts is a super sweet way to start the week!

-peanut butter pancakes
-Chickpea Italian Stir, salad, Kefir Ice Cream
- snack supper- boiled eggs, carrots and dip, Chocolate Covered Cream Filled Donuts
snacks: buttered popcorn, peanuts, Wheat-n-Flax Chocolate Chip Cookies

-leftover Donuts
-PB&J, carrots, leftover Kefir Ice Cream from the freezer
-Pizza Calzones, graham crackes
snacks: buttered popcorn, home-canned applesauce

-Wheat-n-Buckwheat Pancakes with violet jelly
-snack lunch - boiled eggs, BBQ smokies, carrot and celery sticks, chocolate chips
-Sammy's, salad, raisins
snacks: cheese, canned pineapple, wheat crackers w/pb

- Oatmeal w/ berries
- Family Sandwich, salad, Berry Compote
- Sausage Meatloaf, salad, speckled butter beans, home-canned frozen juice pops
snacks: buttered popcorn, biscuits and pear preserves
-kid's choice
- Haystacks, Coconut Custard
- Grilled chicken legs, BBQ potato wedges, salad, Peach Crisp
snacks: homemade yogurt with honey and cinnamon, celery and peanut butter

- Coconut Rice
- Red Beans and Rice, homemade apple sherbet
- Turkey Breast Tenderloins on Buttermilk buns, salad, natural candy
snacks:Buttermilk Pie in Homemade Oat Crust, apples w/ pb

-Nana Yogurt Dish
-Bologna Cups, salad, fried apples, Snack Bars
-Taco Casserole, chili beans, spinach salad, fruit

snacks: Raisin Bread,sliced apples

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