Welcome to Menu Plan Monday!
*****My frugal tip for this week: Enter my giveaway! What could be more frugal than free?*****
What is the Giveaway? Its the program that made the above pictures cute!
What is the Giveaway? Its the program that made the above pictures cute!
-scrambled eggs and berries-beans, cornbread, leftover cake
-steakburgers (beef mixed with steak sauce and topped w/onions sauteed with the patties), ice cream
snacks:chips and salsa, dried cranberries
-kids choice-chili from leftover beans, crackers
-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, sliced cukes
snacks:Artisan Bread and jam, Patillas de Leche
-Peanut Butter (spelt) Pancakes w/homemade grape syrup-Ground Beef Hash, romaine salad, fried okra
-Hearty Beef Stew, Artisan Bread, jelly
snacks: Cappuccino Gelatin Ring, celery sticks
-Peanut Butter Granola and milk-Hamburger Soup, Artisan Bread, jam
-Veggie Beef Patties w/ Swiss Cheese, slaw, potato salad
snacks:Honey Milk Balls, carrot sticks
-scrambled eggs-Soft Tacos, Cranberry Crisp
-Monkey Meat on (spelt) Flatbreads, leftover slaw
snacks: Blueberry Cobbler, cracker candy
-Peanut Butter Pancakes-Spaghetti, Artisan Bread, Dandelion Syrup
-Roast potatoes carrots, Artisan Bread, Spiced Cranberry Syrup
snacks: Carob Candy, canned pineapple
-Smores Oatmeal-Hamburger Pizza on my fave crust (spelt), spiced apples in the crocky
-Poor Man's Steak, greens from the garden, buttered potatoes
snacks: Blueberry Cottage Pudding, leftover apples

what a great menu! looks like you have some nice lunches planned
Giada<3 is hanging out with her daddy:) i am going to watch foodnetwork, browse through Rachael Ray magazines and some blogs and plan next weeks menus..my FAVORITE thing to do on the weekends!!
sorry..meant to paste this..
here is a link to my Menu Plan
enjoy the holiday weekend:)
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